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Opera - Le Nozze di Figaro - Synopsis

  Roles: Count Almaviva - Baritone Countess Rosina - Count Almaviva's wife - Soprano Figaro - The Count's servant - Baritone Susanna - Figaro's fiance and Countess Rosina's maid - Soprano Cherubino - A page boy - Mezzo Soprano Doctor Bartolo - Doctor - Bass Marcellina  - Doctor Bartolo's housekeeper - Mezzo Soprano Don Basilio  - Music Teacher - Tenor Antonio  - Gardener - Bass Barbarina  - The Gardener's daughter - Soprano Don Curzio  - Lawyer - Tenor Villagers, peasants, servants, wedding guests - Chorus ACT 1 In Seville, Figaro and Sussana are getting ready for their wedding and  Susanna admits to Figaro that the Count tried to seduce her. Figaro wants to take revenge.  In the meantime, Dr. Bartolo and Marcellina run into Susanna.  Marcellina and Susanna are rude to each other since they both know that  Marcellina wants to marry Figaro. She keeps on reminding Figaro of their contract, by which he is obliged to return the money he had borrowed from her or othe
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