When asking artists, what inspires them to create, they all have a different answer to share. Some of them would say 'everything and anything', others would be more specific.
Scientifically though, how can creativity and inspiration be explained?
According to D. Goleman and P. Kaufman's article The Art of Creativity, the unconscious mind is more involved in creative processes than the conscious, since ideas can easily flow through it, it stores all of our experiences and interactions and can communicate them to us through intense feelings and emotions. The ability to daydream and have an insight into your unconscious can spark your creativity, whether that would be a walk, a long drive or even a shower.
Zorana Ivcevic in her article Creativity Runs on Passion states that scholars are now studying the relationship between emotions and creativity as well as how does passion come in the equation. She supports that 'A key emotional resource for creativity is passion' since it involves the desire to act on your goals as well as mapping a plan on how to achieve them through creative ways.
And even though creativity is not primarily based on artists, and it can also be applied in businesses, innovation and technology. One question however arises...
Why do human feel the need to be creative?
According to Nathan H. Lent's article Why Do Humans Make Art, amongst others, he mentions that humans have a need to portray nature and the beauty around it. He supports that no other animal has the need to create art, therefore humans are unique on that aspect too.
He parallelizes art with nature by stating that: 'Art is to be held and admired. Like nature.'
Through art, our emotions are evoked and as humans become more sophisticated, their perspective keeps on shifting. As a result the primary goal of art is not beauty anymore but to provoke emotions.
That could be the reason why artists do not only focus on creating beautiful masterpieces but choose to provoke our emotions, our senses and consequently challenge our perspective of the world we live in.
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