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Is Music important in Movies?

According to Siu-Lan Tan's article in Psychology Today entitled "How Film Music Shapes the Storyline", studies show that music can actually affect the way viewers perceive the movie's characters.  Music can suggest the atmosphere of the scene, the characters motives in interactions and relationships which help in the storyline.

Sally Augustine in her article in Psychology Today "Movie Music Matters"  supports that music is a useful medium in movies as well as in the theater. It helps the viewer distinguish the character's thoughts helping them feel part of the story. 

When it comes to Horror Movies,  Mathias Classen in his article "Why Sound is So Important in Horror Movies" supports that music makes horror movies interesting since when music is absent, the storyline is boring. In addition, music can create the relevant effect to make the viewer "jump from fright", while screams in the background can make the viewers experience even more intense. Increasing the music's volume as well as  the use of uncomfortable intervals can further increase the tension which will then wake the viewers senses. 

In the second part of his article "Without Sound Horror Movies just aren't scary" Classen states that the combination of imagery and music, the fear section of the brain is activated which perfectly contributes to the viewers fear of the unknown. 

He closes the article by suggesting that whenever you feel scared watching a Horror Movie, pay attention to the music in the background and just turn it of. Your whole perception of the movie will change. 

