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Teenage Love

He was walking up and down the room. 
Tall, athletic, with a fiery spark in his eyes. 

She didn't expect to see him there but she was happily surprised. 

They were looking at each other. His big brown eyes shinning and the way he looked at her was intense. 

His aura clean and bright as if there was no darkness there at all. 

She didn't want to mess this up. 

The last time they were in the same room together it was almost 10 years ago. 

"Are you ok?" - he mouthed to her from near by. 
"I am good, how are you?"- she mouthes out. 

Her heart was about to get out from her chest. She was excited. Her whole body pulsing to the beats of teenage love.  

She felt like a teenager again.  

"He is brave" - she thought. "Or we just grew older and we are both more comfortable in our own skins" 

Their lives headed in different directions and she knew it. Their priorities were not the same
But for that tiny moment she travelled back in time.
For that tiny moment, he chose her and it was enough. 

She knew he was popular, handsome and not particularly stable. With loads of ladies to keep him company. 

And that was ok. 

Sometimes, it is better not to touch something that was magical years ago, so that you do not destroy or alter the memory today! 

Teenage love will always be magical and beautiful! No matter what! <3 

