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2024 - 100 day Instagram Wisdom (Part 2)


Day 34 - "February - time for brighter days, love, pancakes, hope" by Lucy Claitr Illustration

Day 35 - "Survived too many storms to be bothered by raindrops" by Subconcious Thinker

Day 36 - "Look at you, being brave and holding yourself gracefully" - Its  Madeline Art

Day 37 - "Someone I loved, once gave me a box full of darkness. It took me years to understand that this too, was a gift" - Mary Oliver

Day 38 - "Souls don't meet by accident" - By Poets Globe

Day 39 - "When you cut off someone from your life, they will never tell people the full story, they will only tell them the part that make you look bad and them innocent "- By Word Porn

Day 40 - "The best revenge is none. It's healing, moving on, and being happy-it's not becoming like the people who traumatized you" - By Pammy

Day 41 - "You don't have to explain everything to everyone. Take your time to rest. Take your time to heal" - by Joen Asandiego

Day 42 - "Happiness is not a possession to be prized, it is quality of thought, a state of mind" - Daphne du Maurier (Rebecca)

Day 43 - "Eye contact is more intimate than words will ever be" by Poets Globe

Day 44 - "Keep being a friend" by Maggies Centre

Day 45 - "Thinking is difficult, that's why most people judge" - by Carl Jung

Day 46 - Illustration by New Happy Co

Day 47 - "There is nothing like staying at home for real comfort" - Jane Austen (Emma)

Day 48 - "Sometimes the best way to recharge is to unplug" by Twillo story

Day 49 - "Talk to yourself like you would to someone you love" by Brene Brown

Day 50 - "You don't achieve goals by doing it perfectly, you achieve your goals by trying and learning" by New Happy Co

Day 51 - "What you choose to focus on, will grow" by Mindful Through Life

Day 52 - "Here, you can borrow my belief in you, until you can find yours again" by Lynn Crilly

Day 53 - "Things that help with anxiety: Crying it out, Sharing it with someone, Exercising, Listening to calming music, cold showers, spending time with pets, hugging someone, journaling, comfy clothes"  by Innsightful

Day 54 - "If you ever feel like you can't keep swimming, just let yourself float" by Action Happiness

Day 55 - "You cannot grow unless you are willing to change. And you will not change unless you change something you do every day" by John  C. Maxwell

Day 56 - "Someone being patient with you is one of the softest forms of love" by positive thinking zone

Day 57 - "Everything heals and grows when it is loved. People too" by Lewis Howes

Day 58 - "Mental Strength is not about holding it together; it's about learning to let go" by Action Happiness

Day 59 - "Remember, if you are not speaking it out you are storing it and that shit gets heavy" by Sky Banyes

Day 60 - Video by Illustration Best

Day 61 - "Signs that you are human: You say the wrong things, you change your mind, you are unproductive and messy, you have ups and downs, you feel unsure at times, you make mistakes" by Nikky Miles

Day 62 -"Don't let your anxiety convince you that you can't" by Calm

Day 63 - "You will never hear another person's voice more than you hear your own. Be intentional about the way that  you talk to yourself" by Micchell C. Clark

Day 64 - "Whoever is trying to bring you down is already below you" by Word Porn

Day 65 - "The artist is the misfit who colours outside the lines of social conventions" by Words are Vibrations

Day 66 - "Do you know why birds sing just before dawn? Scientists believe its to tell their mates that they made it through the night. As a way of saying, "I'm still here". Maybe that is why we sing , too. Why we create art. As a way of saying "I made it. I am still here" by Little Pine Learners

