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How did Maria Callas Change The World of Opera?


Kostios, A., 2007, From "Greek Melodrama" to the Greek National Opera, in Anna Karapanou (ed.) Maria Callas: 30 Years after (Athens: The Hellenic Parliament Foundation for Parliamentarism and Democracy)

Maria Callas work ethic was very strong. She was very serious about practicing and getting prepared for her roles. She did not only memorize her roles but the whole opera, including her colleagues' roles and the orchestral part.

Her voice was unique. She could use her voice as a

  • Dramatic Soprano
  • Lyric Soprano
  • Coloratura Soprano
accordingly with the needs of the roles.

In addition, she was an amazing actress.
She knew how to move on stage, use her hands and communicate to the audience her character's emotions. 

Her dramatic presence on stage along with her voice, were able to change the strict perspective of the times, where opera singers could not move on stage.

She was studying every musical note, every word, every move and was able to combine them in order to be able to perform the role as honestly and directly to the audience. 

Callas changed the the opera world by rediscovered long lost masterpieces. She changed the approach to Bel Canto tradition, by keeping the vocal technique but at the same time removing any necessary repetitions, librettos and strict rules.

Callas was following and honouring the composers with dedication. 
By modernizing the opera and not following the strict rules, she was able to keep in mind the modern audience's needs.

Lastly, Callas was one of the artists that influenced the evolution of the gramophone.

Even though Maria Callas is well known for her vocal technique, musicality and mastery, her artistry as a singer, actress and most of all artist, have changed the world of opera by modernizing it and making it more relevant to the modern audience!

Kostios, A., 2007, From "Greek Melodrama" to the Greek National Opera, in Anna Karapanou (ed.) Maria Callas: 30 Years after  (Athens: The Hellenic Parliament Foundation for Parliamentarism and Democracy)

