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Maria Callas - Her Voice


Kostios, A., 2007, From "Greek Melodrama" to the Greek National Opera, in Anna Karapanou (ed.) Maria Callas: 30 Years after  (Athens: The Hellenic Parliament Foundation for Parliamentarism and Democracy)

Maria Callas was a phenomenal artist. What made her voice so special though?

Young Maria Callas started off as a mezzo soprano.

Under the guidance of her first vocal teacher Maria Trivella, she developed to a dramatic soprano.

Her vocal teacher Elvira de Hidalgo was the one however, that was able to work on a not so special voice and turn it into a unique instrument.

She was able to turn around her weaknesses into strengths.

Under the guidance of Elvira de Hidalgo, Callas was able to

  • develop her higher register and the coloratura by elevating and lightening her voice.
  • develop her middle register and make it stronger.
  • have a 3 octave vocal register
  • to work on the Bel Canto technique
  • combine her registers
  • smooth her passaggio
  • start using her vocal timbre according to the needs of the role
After her training with Elvira de Hidalgo, Callas was able to use her voice as a:
  • Dramatic Soprano
  • Lyric Soprano
  • Coloratura Soprano
according to her role's needs.

She also had a very strong breath. 
She was able to train and use her breath, support her voice as well as control it, with mastery.

All these elements are a first attempt to show how Callas voice was so unique. However, her voice and vocal technique were not the only elements that made her La Divina.

It was a combination of vocal timbre, vocal technique, musicality, acting and communication with the audience, that made her one of the best opera singers of all time!

Kostios, A., 2007, From "Greek Melodrama" to the Greek National Opera, in Anna Karapanou (ed.) Maria Callas: 30 Years after  (Athens: The Hellenic Parliament Foundation for Parliamentarism and Democracy)

